Our Rules


Section (1)

Team formation & guidance

  1. Teams shall be formed based on the year of entry in Mengo Senior School that is there will be teams from the years; 2002, 2003, 2004… etc
  • Members per team and the teams in particular for any year shall be unlimited;
  • Each team shall have a composition of 7 members; 6 gents & 1 lady.
  • Teams can  make an unlimited  number of  substitutions throughout the game except when there is a break in play and the referee has allowed the  substitution;
  • Matches last  a maximum  of 40 minutes;  20 minutes  each half with  a 5-minute break in between;
  • Teams are encouraged to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to their kick-off time to have enough time to prepare for the games.  Any late arrivals will either lose minutes from  their match or risk losing the match and the points to their opponents;
  • A team that delays for 5 minutes from the time of kick-off for the first match day  game without appearing on the pitch will have missed and/or absconded from the game;
  • In cases where both teams versing each other arrive late but it doesn’t warrant losing the match, the two teams may have some minutes put off their game time.
  1. In any case that both teams versing each other do not show up for the match and/or don’t show up on the match day,  they shall lose 3 points and 2 goals each.
  • The number of players that will be in a position to play a  match for any team shall not be less than  5  members.  Any team having less than this minimum number shall be considered absent on the day.
  • Any decisions by the referee must  be observed and respected strictly at all times;

Section (2)

Pitch Discipline

  1. A player given a straight red card shall leave the field of play immediately and miss the next two games as well.
  • A player sent off as a result of 2 yellow cards will miss one subsequent game.
  • If a player gets another red card in the season,  an additional match ban shall be awarded to the player.
  • The MELDC (Mengo Elite  League Disciplinary Committee)  in place may impose a ban on a player beyond the two games mentioned above if the reason for his send-off is considered so.
  • Assault and Insult of match officials are strongly prohibited and may attract a one-match ban on review by MELDC. This shall be in addition to the in-match caution imposed by the referee.
  • There shall be unlimited substitutions however if a player is sent off, he/she will not be replaced in the same game.
  • Provocative behavior and celebrations on and off the pitch shall attract a yellow card.
  • Hooliganism on and off the pitch shall not be tolerated and any player, fan, or match official found guilty may be banned or dealt with accordingly by the disciplinary committee.  Hooliganism in this case could be; involvement in fights insults in any form, assaults, etc.
  1. It shall be the responsibility of the team in the league to keep disciplined fans. Indisciplined fans may subject a team to disciplinary measures and the team may be cautioned. It shall only be in extreme situations and repeated occurrences that a team may lose points as a result of indisciplined fans. 

Section (3)

Participation Eligibility

  1. Any team that fields a  player that is not an  OB/OG of Mengo Senior School shall receive a  reduction of 3 points and 2 goals per game that the would-be outsider participated in irrespective of whether the team won or lost the game.
  • However one can participate without restriction if he/she falls in ‘the affiliates of the school category” but only after thorough due diligence has been done by the League committee.
  • In circumstances where an  OB/OG of Mengo Senior School  is prohibited by these rules to   play any match  either through  suspension  or otherwise,  the team  in breach shall lose 3 points and 2 goals  at once.
  • It’s the sole responsibility of each team to find eligible players for a particular game.
  • For a year that is  not represented by any  team in a particular season,  its players shall  be allowed  to join the  nearest team  preceding their  year of entry into  Mengo Senior School at senior  one level  or the  nearest team subsequent to their year of  entry.
  • No team  shall be  allowed  to participate  in the  League unlesss upon payment  of  subscription   fees  which  shall  be  prerequisite for  a  team  to participate in the League.
  • The League Committee reserves the right of  setting a  deadline  within  which  teams  are  required  to  pay  their  respective  subscription  fees and  any team  in breach  of this  deadline  shall not be allowed to participate in that  season whatsoever.
  • Any team that misses/boy  cotts and/or absconds from a match  day shall lose match day 3 points and 2 goals.  These goals shall not be  attributed to any player.
  1. For any team that is  disqualified or with-draws from  the on-going league,  all its match results shall  be deemed null and void.
  • Each team in the  league shall be deemed not  to have ever participated  in the match  with the disqualified  or withdrawing  team and accordingly  all points, goals and decisions  shall be withdrawn.
  • The money contributed by the withdrawing and/or disqualified  team shall be non-refundable upon participation  of that team in a season.

Section (4)

On Pitch smartness

  1. Every player must be in uniform of  their respective teams with Mengo League  logos, team logos (if any), badges and designs on their  uniforms to try and promote the league.
  • The League Marketing team shall at an appropriate  time provide standard designing and colors of the  league logo and/or badges.
  • The whole team must bear the same color of Jerseys, shorts and stockings except for the goal keepers  who may bear different uniforms.
  • Breach of the  above-mentioned  rules in (i)  & (ii)  above  shall attract a yellow card  and the player  shall be advised by  the referee to  change   and  ensure compliance at that  material time.
  • Failure to  adhere  to the  referee’s advice  above attracts a second yellow  card amounting to a send-off.

Section (5)

Determination of champion  and positions, transfer, merges & splits.

  1. `Table   positions   will  be  decided   by  points,   then   goal difference,  then  goals  scored,  then  goals  against,  then  head  to  head amongst the teams in contention.
  • In the event that the teams are still equal when Section 5(a) is taken  into consideration,  then the matter shall be  settled  with a  penalty  shoot-out to determine winner.
  • Notice of  Transfer  shall be  given to  the League Committee  by the  team representatives of the player.
  • No player who has played for a particular team in a season shall be allowed to cross to another during of that season.
  • Transfers must happen within some goodtime (6 hours)   before the season commences.
  • The Player desiring a transfer  shall communicate in writing to his  mother team.  The  team transferring  the  player  into  its  squad  shall  have  the responsibility of communicating this uprising to the league committee.
  • It shall be  the responsibility  of the  league to inquire  and clarify  from all respective   team   representatives   and  the player   moving   about  the authenticity of the transfer.
  • Teams merging shall have to communicate to the league committee at least three weeks before the start of the new season.
  1. The merged teams shall choose to use either one of the old names or choose totally a new name.
  2. The league shall allow an unlimited number of teams to represent in the league  for any particular year of entry subject to these rules and regulations.

Section (6)

Team Records

  1. Team captains are advised  to submit a sheet with  the team lineup (most preferably those who have taken part in the game)  every after their match.
  • Team photos before each and every game are recommended to enhance league management and branding.

Section (7)

Disciplinary measures

The Mengo Elite League Disciplinary Committee (MELDC) Duties and Responsibilities

  1. The League General Assembly shall appoint a Chairperson who shall constitute the committee with  (4) other members of his choice most preferably with a lady for gender equality.

ii) MELDC shall work hand in hand with the League committee and the Central Executive    Committe (CEC).

iii) Its decisions shall be reached as follows: –

a.  All decisions of the MELDC must involve at least Five (5) members.

b.  The MELDC need not meet to make decisions but can communicate via WhatsApp or any other viable plat form.

c.   The  chairperson  shall  ensure  that  no  member  of  the  MELDC  including themselves has a     conflict of interest with the matter at hand. Members shall  be   advised  to   recuse  themselves   from  the  proceedings   of  the committee.

        d.  The MELDC  should   ensure  that confidentiality and   impartiality   are maintained.

iv)  The MELDC shall be responsible for all disciplinary matters involving the league including but       not limited to: –

          a.  On pitch discipline. (During competition)

b.  Off pitch discipline. (Pre/post games, training, league activities etc.)

c.   Criminal investigations involving the league.

d.  It  shall  be  charged  with   implementing,  interpreting  and  applying  the

          Mengo League rules.

e.   It  shall  maintain  a  high  level  of  integrity,  consistence,  neutrality  and

          impartiality at all times.

  v) Mode of operation of the MELDC

      To ensure consistency, it shall follow the following procedure: –

  1. Any disciplinary matter should be reported in writing to the MELDC Secretary.
  2. The MELDC shall maintain accurate records of each and every matter lodged with the committee.
  3. The  MELDC   shall  inform  any  person   or  team  in  writing,  against  whom   the complaint has been preferred within the established time lines.
  4. MELDC should proceed to investigate the incident or matter.
  5. The MELDC “if necessary” may interview any parties involved.
  6. The MELDC shall discuss the matter and impose appropriate in accordance with these rules.
  7. To maintain consistency the MELDC shall refer to previous matters alongside these rules.
  8. All written records shall be kept for a minimum of Six (6) years.
  9. All  decisions  taken  shall  be  communicated  in  writing  where  possible  to  any persons involved, to the team representatives and/or captains or coaches.
  10. Any electronically written message shall be deemed sufficient where in these rules there is a requirement for written communication.

Appeal & Petitions Mechanism &  Procedures

  1. Any aggrieved party or team shall in the first instance petition the Mengo League Disciplinary Committee.
  2. Upon receipt of the decision of the  MELDC, if a party or team is dissatisfied with such decision, shall prefer an appeal to the League Committee.
  3. The decision of the League Committee shall be final whatsoever.
  4. All petitions by any party shall be written and in clear terms about the complaint and prayers preferred before the relevant committees.
  5. A petition shall be lodged within 24 hours from the end of  match day which is usually Monday and in any other case  from the time the complaint arose.
  6. The MELDC shall inform the party or team (if any) against whom any allegation or  petition  is  preferred  of  his  right  to  respond  within  12  hours  from notification.
  7. The MELDC shall make  a decision and communicate  it within 48 hours  from the receipt of the complaint.
  8. An Appeal to  the League Committee  shall be brought within  12 hours after receipt of decision of the committee.
  9. The League Committee  shall make and  communicate its decision  within 12 hours from receipt of the appeal.
  10. Decisions of the committee shall be by voting over the matter and majority vote shall prevail.
  11. Any member of the MELDC shall not be eligible to participate in the decision making at appeal level.
  12. Any member of the Committee  that is barred by conflict of interest  in any particular matter shall recuse himself  while a decision is being taken.
  13. In situations where urgency is needed the relevant bodies shall act accordingly to  quickly  resolve  any complaint preferred.  The variations in timelines  for lodgment  of Appeals  or complaints  and responses  shall be communicated to the concerned  members in such situations.

Section (9)

Application of General Football  rules

  1. Where these Rules are  quite  unclear the general international  football rules shall
  2. apply with necessary modifications.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, the FIFA  rules shall be applied.

WE  the  undersigned  having  been  entrusted  by  our respective  team  members

and/or league members agree to these rules as binding for the good administration

of MENGO ELITE LEAGUE -For and on behalf of the league fraternity.