1. Mengo Elite league
Mengo Elite League is an idea of a group of old students that was conceived at the start of this year (2019) with the goal of bringing together and strengthening lost ties through sports (soccer). Its core aim is to uphold Mengo SS’s values through sports, networking, and making a difference in peoples’ lives through engagement in life-changing activities.
We realized that many had lost touch with our colleagues as most of them are fixed with very busy schedules lately. Therefore as a way of bridging this gap and tackling the social, economic, and political networking aspect, we suggested that a social event in form of sports (soccer) to bring together old students be started and thus the birth of the “MENGO ELITE LEAGUE”. (MEL)
2. Background to the Project
MEL is the governing body of an annual social football league intended to start this year (2019) preferably in June. MEL recognizes the critical importance of close engagement and integration between old students of different years and other Mengo senior school communities in delivering well-recognized social, health, and community benefits.
3. Major Objective of the mengo elite league
The Aim of the MEL is to contribute to the development of relationships among old students of Mengo senior school delivering the social, health, and community benefits that are well-recognized through sports.
4. Minor Objectives
- Fostering friendly relations among the old students of Mengo senior school by encouraging football games among old students of different years and years to come.
- Taking all reasonable steps to ensure that discrimination or distinction does not occur among football participants on any grounds regulated under values that Mengo senior school upholds and Equal Opportunity for everyone.
- Securing and maintaining affiliation with other bodies, domestic and international, having a common interest in putting Mengo Senior School at the highest level in the country and beyond.
- Promoting, providing for, regulating and ensuring the effective management of activities that give back to the school through the leagues cooperate social responsibility.
- Promoting sportsmanship and providing opportunities for healthy persons through football
5. Steps to achieving the Objectives of Mengo Elite League
- MEL gives life to its objectives through a strategic plan and organizational structure which encompass strategic priorities and drivers of the future growth and success of the league.
- Mengo Elite League shall comprise of a 7 a side team’s format with 6 gents and 1 lady most preferably for gender inclusion aspect.
- There will be different teams based on year of entry in Mengo SS that shall be competing with one another until the very last group stages.
- The respective teams shall pay a non-refundable fee to the league administration before the tournament starts that shall cater for the overall league administration and other related activities.
- There shall be well put out binding guiding principles which all teams shall observe with utmost attention and failure to do shall attract a hefty penalty to the parties in fault.
- The league shall have a number of officials (referees, linesmen, etc.) that shall officiate the different games from the very first stage until the finals.
- We anticipate to have some sponsors on board to help push the league forward until the very last end.
- A running committee with clearly stipulated roles and responsibilities of its members has already been put in place to oversee the overall running of the league.
- We intend to use Mengo SS school pitch as our official playground for the tournament.
6. Key Performance Indicators and Outcomes
- Old students of Mengo Senior School brought together through sports.
- Health status (fitness) of old students improved through active participation in sports.
- Social, economic and political networking within old students improved positively.
7. Conclusion
The Project presents a unique opportunity in a major growth of Mengo Senior School old and current students, with strong multicultural and indigenous representation, to deliver a community-building opportunity with short, medium, and long-term social, economic, and health outcomes.